South Carolina Homeschooling

You've found the best source of information on homeschooling in South Carolina. Look inside to find everything you need to successfully home educate your children, including state laws, support groups, information on homeschooling methods, ideas for special needs homeschooling, and much, much more!

What's Popular
Tri-County Educational Association of Community Homeschoolers (TEACH)
TEACH is a co-operative support group of approximately 40 homeschooling families who have joined together to support each other in their efforts to educate their children. They do this by sharing information and experiences as well as participating together in field trips, classes, and social activities.
How to Start Homeschooling in GA
This site gets you information on Georgia homeschooling laws, Georgia homeschool associations, Georgia homeschool groups and co-ops, field trip opportunities, and information on Georgia standardized testing and test prep. If you wish to pursue the joys and satisfactions of homeschooling your children, this site is a good jumping off point for information and support. 
South Carolina Aquarium
The South Carolina Aquarium is located in Charleston and features thousands of aquatic animals from river otters and sharks to leggerhead turtles in over 60 exhibits, which represent the rich biodiversity of South Carolina from the mountains to the sea, housed in a 93,000 square foot building.
Christian Homeschooler's Association of South Eastern South Carolina (CHASE SC)
CHASE SC is a nonprofit Christian association that provides information and resources for homeschoolers in South Carolina. Their website is full of information. (Be warned that all of their internal links open up a new window, making this website somewhat difficult to navigate.)
South Carolina Laws
This synopsis of the laws regulating home education is provided by the South Carolina Homeschool Network.
South Carolina Homeschooling Discussion
The South Carolina Homeschooling Discussion Group is for SC homeschoolers, those thinking about homeschooling in this state, or newcomers to SC who want to learn more.
Greenville Zoo
Learn about the world of animals at the Greenville Zoo. Explore animal exhibits and take in some of the educational programs.
Charleston Unschoolers
This is an email list designed to connect unschoolers in the Charleston, South Carolina, area.
N.I.C.H.E. - The Network of Inclusive Coastal Home Educators
N.I.C.H.E. is a diverse support group of home educating families tolerant of all members' differences, be they religious, educational or political in nature. They are inclusive and welcoming to all who desire to educate their own children in an atmosphere of mutual respect, tolerance and fun. This group serves the area from Myrtle Beach to Pawley's Island.
Brookgreen Gardens
Brookgreen Gardens, a nature preserve in Pawleys Island, offers daily programs and tours. The thousands of acres in Brookgreen's Lowcountry History and Wildlife Preserve are rich with evidence of the great rice plantations of the 1800's as well as with the native plants and animals of the distinctive landscaptes of the Lowcountry. Also features a Sculpture Garden.
South Carolina Home School Laws from HSLDA
The Home School Legal Defense Association provides a brief summary of the homeschooling laws in South Carolina. Includes a link to a legal analysis of laws relating to homeschooling in South Carolina.
Third Option Law & Explanations
A summary and explanation of Section 59-65-47 of the state law. In lieu of the requirements of Section 59-65-40 or Section 59-65-45, parents or guardians may teach their children at home if the instruction is conducted under the auspices of an association for homeschools which has no fewer than fifty members and meets the requirements of this section. Bona fide membership and continuing compliance with the academic standards of the associations exempts the home school from the further requiremen...
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Located in Mt. Pleasant, the historic site was established to interpret Charles Pinckney's plantation Snee Farm, his role in the development of the United States Constitution and the transition of the United States from a group of colonies to a young nation. Interpretive exhibits, located in a house built circa 1828 but which is not Pinckney related, highlight these areas as well as the influences of African-Americans in the development of Snee Farm.
Fort Moultrie National Monument
Located in Sullivan's Island, Fort Moultrie's history covers 171 years of seacoast defense, including the first decisive victory in the American Revolution and the firing onto Fort Sumter during the first battle of the Civil War. The third Fort Moultrie, built in 1809, stands today. By touring the fort, visitors can see how coastal defenses have evolved.
South Carolina Homeschool Network (SCHN)
South Carolina Homeschool Network (SCHN) offers information on South Carolina's homeschooling laws, accountability associations, support groups, events, links, national news, research and reports on homeschooling, information on publications, homeschool catalogs and more.
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